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TDI Tech Trim Diver - 技潛姿態(及教練課程)

A strong foundation for other advanced TDI courses

1 小
6,000 港元


TDI TECH TRIM - ORIGINAL INVENTION : My course aims to provide high-quality underwater training for divers living in areas that cannot easily access open water environments. From now on, among our TDI courses, we can provide a new option for them. Soon, we will formally announce the course's standard and procedure (S&P); but for now, let me explain what makes this new course so special. CURRICULUM CHARACTERISTIC : - Student Prerequisite: Open Water Diver - Water Condition: Confined Water or Swimming Pool - Advantage: Immense time saving on Open Water Session for Instructor and Diver - Equipment Requirement: Depending on the students' preference and the situation, the instructor can decide between Backmount Single-Tank, Backmount Twin-Tank or Sidemount configuration. - Continuing Learning: The skills set in this course forms a strong foundation for other advanced TDI courses, such as TDI Sidemount Diver, TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver, and TDI Decompression Procedures Diver.


  • Tung Lok Building, 34-36 Nullah Road, 太子香港

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