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SDI Open Water Diver - 開放水域潛水員

五星專業人員發展中心為大家提供潛水課程 我們是擁有超過30名教練的潛水教學團隊,你所拿取的潛水證照將終身有效,並且不需要更新。

8 小時
港幣$5000 - $6000


Course prerequisites Minimum age 18, 15 with parental consent See Junior Open Water Scuba Diver Course here. (10 – 14 years old) What you can expect to learn: The SDI Open Water Scuba Diver Course will cover all of the necessary skills and knowledge for open water scuba diving, including: The aquatic environment: vision, light, sound, heat loss, tides, currents, waves, surge, etc. Physics and physiology: buoyancy, pressure, air spaces, breathing compressed air, mixed gases, etc. Dive equipment selection, assembly, use and maintenance Dive planning Basic scuba skills including mask and regulator skills, swimming underwater, buoyancy control, basic rescue techniques, and emergency procedures And much more!


  • Tung Lok Building, 34-36 Nullah Road, 太子香港

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